Your invitation
Someone on our team believes in you.
Presence Global Entertainment is looking for talented people to develop the global Sci-fi TV series, Sentient.
Industry professional, patron or visionary, join us.
What’s it about?
Discover Sentient then read-on to find out how you can participate.
The why
Participation in development demonstrates how you would tell the story.
It’s your audition for the series and a way of procuring part-ownership in the intellectual property of the work during development.
For supporters and sponsors, it’s an opportunity to participate in the development of this amazing new global TV project and promote your product, company, services or cause.
How do I join?
Send our head of development a message, ‘Greenlight my profile’, and we’ll make it so.
We’ll need
To set-up your profile we need your email address, a profile photo and a bio, (you can use your LinkedIn profile or something similar). Send those basics to the head of development, David Steinhoff when you ‘Greenlight your profile.’
What happens next?
We set-up a basic profile for you on the development site.
We do this for security reasons.
There’s no cost to set-up your profile or to be a member.
We also introduce you to some of the team.
When you log-in for the first time you can enhance the profile however you see fit.
Don’t set-up your own profile
Think two, seven foot bouncers at the door. That’s our security protocol.
You may be refused during set-up.
Let us do the hard work. When it’s done, you can log-in trouble free.
When you log-in you can enhance your profile, add details, change the photo, it’s up to you.
How do I participate?
Start by reading the Guide.
NOT attachment
We don’t want to hear from your agent, manager or lawyer yet.
Whilst joining the development community does entitle you to a slice of the pie, it is NOT attachment.
It is you putting up your hand to say, ‘Look at me’. It also places you in the loop for notification.
Got questions?
Read the Guide then schedule a Skype or phone appointment with the head of development, David Steinhoff.
How often?
How often do you get the chance to participate in a global project of this nature? If you’re a fan of Sci-fi, you can’t afford not to be part of it.