Tag : Yasmine Van Wilt
This post proposes the biggest change in direction in the history of the Journey project. It can empower the global team and get the project into production in 2015. Some of you won’t like it. Development so far Four months after publishing the first of the series bible posts, we’re still answering questions on the basics of […]

The series bible reveals the arc of the entire story. Parts one through five introduced the major players and big picture. Part six explores the pitch and the two streams of story that flow from the inciting incident. In this post Development so far Keeping it simple Two streams of story The sponsorship model Development so far Skip […]
What would you do if you knew you couldn’t be caught? Australia is stunned by the events of Day One. Seven billion people have succumbed to an indescribable terror. Contact with the world is lost. A day before, the Australian people voted for change of government but that was then and this is now […]
Hail good fellows and gentle Ladies, well met. The Journey’s visit to the St Ives Medieval faire last weekend provided a chance to promote author, Carol Baauw’s new book ‘Lagharn’ and to explain to our fans the difference between Carol’s books and the TV series being developed. You at the faire Spot your photo in the […]

What’s working, what’s not EXT. FOX STUDIOS, SYDNEY – DAY Creative Director, Luissa Lawrence and Presence Films’ CEO, David Steinhoff, meet to consider the next step in the digital revolution. The duo come up with an idea to create an online development community where fans, film-makers and investors can collaborate, create, connect and invest. The very […]