Tag : series bible

Sentient - Theme and character arc - Part Two - Important Questionnaire

Sentient – Theme and character arc – Part Two – Important Questionnaire


  Background Reviews of ‘Sentient’ – Draft Four of the Pilot,  were critical of our failure to address the issues of theme and character arc.  This post  This post will ask your opinion via two poll questions.  Poll One is about Theme. Poll Two is the Series Logline.  Your answers will lay the foundation for […]

Theme and character arc

Theme and character arc


 The reviews of Sentient were critical of our failure to address theme and character arc. I remember back in Film and TV school asking my lecturers, ‘What is theme?’ Nobody knew. No one would even speculate. They just said, ‘It’s about, whatever it’s about.’ How do you address the theme of your work? I’ve met […]

The Top 25?

The Top 25?


 The top 50 The Leaderboard tracks our community’s financial and professional contributions to development. Each contribution is rewarded with points. Points entitle you to a slice of the pie from the sale of the work.  The foundation for a payout to team members for the sale or production of Sentient is based on who is in […]

The Stone Papers

The Stone Papers


 Surviving alien colonisation The Stone Papers address the science of survival after the arrival of the Sentient. Dr. Craig Stone has a Ph.D. in Nuclear Chemistry with a thesis on experimental and theoretical Nuclear Physics. He is also an accomplished concert organist and a Sentient patron. Premise  The arrival of a Sentient life form leads […]

What do they want?

What do they want?


 And why are they here? The survivors of Day One will spend most of Season One NOT knowing what has happened. They will presume: Humanity has been subject to genocide The enemy now wears us like a suit We have been colonised Our new masters intend to complete the job of wiping us out OR worse […]

The Change-Up


 This post proposes the biggest change in direction in the history of the Journey project. It can empower the global team and get the project into production in 2015. Some of you won’t like it. Development so far Four months after publishing the first of the series bible posts, we’re still answering questions on the basics of […]

Series Bible (Part Six) - Two streams

Series Bible (Part Six) – Two streams


 The series bible reveals the arc of the entire story. Parts one through five introduced the major players and big picture.  Part six explores the pitch and the two streams of story that flow from the inciting incident.  In this post Development so far Keeping it simple Two streams of story The sponsorship model Development so far Skip […]

Series Bible (Part Five) – The story so far


 Kudos Thanks so much to the team members who shaped the work so far. Part five is a summary based on your input.   Intro The Series Bible explains the foundations of the story. Whilst the posts reveal the big picture to the team, the audience will only ever see a riddle wrapped in an enigma. […]

Series Bible (Part Four) – Terror State


   What would you do if you knew you couldn’t be caught? Australia is stunned by the events of Day One. Seven billion people have succumbed to an indescribable terror. Contact with the world is lost. A day before, the Australian people voted for change of government but that was then and this is now […]

The Journey Series Bible (Part Two) – Toowyn’s journey


 In Part One of the Series bible we explored a new, God mythology. One among us will transcend their human state to become the ‘Creator seed’, a creator of worlds and a mentor to sentient species throughout the universe. In Part Two, we explore the main character, Toowyn and his journey.   Who is Toowyn? […]


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