Tag : Roderic Byrnes

Lore of the Sentient

Lore of the Sentient


 Catch-up Missed the first two Sentient posts?  View Part One  – Sentient (featuring the story model, the synopsis, the science and a scene introducing the main character,   ‘I wouldn’t do that’). View Part Two – Sentient, the why (Featuring a scene introducing the theme of colonisation, ‘First time for you’). Read a trailer script based on […]

Series Bible (Part Six) - Two streams

Series Bible (Part Six) – Two streams


 The series bible reveals the arc of the entire story. Parts one through five introduced the major players and big picture.  Part six explores the pitch and the two streams of story that flow from the inciting incident.  In this post Development so far Keeping it simple Two streams of story The sponsorship model Development so far Skip […]

Series Bible (Part Five) – The story so far


 Kudos Thanks so much to the team members who shaped the work so far. Part five is a summary based on your input.   Intro The Series Bible explains the foundations of the story. Whilst the posts reveal the big picture to the team, the audience will only ever see a riddle wrapped in an enigma. […]


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