Tag : Nikita Ivanenko

Begin your review Joseph DiFrancesco’s Draft Four of Sentient USA Pilot script is ready for review. Click on the latest draft of the Pilot script (left) to view. Read the beat sheet summary here. Submit your review by June 14th 2019. Your points will be added to the Leaderboard. Don’t forget, participating in each of the […]

The series bible reveals the arc of the entire story. Parts one through five introduced the major players and big picture. Part six explores the pitch and the two streams of story that flow from the inciting incident. In this post Development so far Keeping it simple Two streams of story The sponsorship model Development so far Skip […]
There is no escape from possession. In Nikita Ivanenko and Daniel Garcia’s, ‘The house on the lake’, a strong spirit called Veronique seizes control of her prey. In V1 of ‘The house on the lake’, the possessed soul disappears in the red swirling storm of the abyss. In V2, the victim is lured into a […]

By Nikita Ivanenko and Daniel Garcia *Revisions by Amanda Asquith *Episode one is the first in a series set in Russia by the authors Location: Moscow nightclub Synopsis: YURI finally gets his chance to score with the hottest girl on the dance floor, ‘DASHA’. Unfortunately for YURI, the object of his desire is entertaining a […]