Tag : Janet Shay

Title fight


 Poll results Thank you for voting. The Title fight is now on. Your mission is to create a new title, designed specifically for the cable TV series of the Journey. Brief Prepare your ideas for a new title. DO NOT submit them until the call for submissions. You will be notified by email and social media […]

Series Bible (Part Four) – Terror State


   What would you do if you knew you couldn’t be caught? Australia is stunned by the events of Day One. Seven billion people have succumbed to an indescribable terror. Contact with the world is lost. A day before, the Australian people voted for change of government but that was then and this is now […]

Series Bible (Part Three) – The ‘Why’


   Why does Toowyn journey to our world? Part Three explores the, ‘Why’ of Toowyn’s journey as well as the reason for the existence of the parallel universe. What is a Series Bible? Catching up? The Series Bible posts explain the foundation of the story. Understand the foundation and you understand what we’re trying to achieve. […]


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