Tag : David Steinhoff

Background Reviews of ‘Sentient’ – Draft Four of the Pilot, were critical of our failure to address the issues of theme and character arc. This post This post will ask your opinion via two poll questions. Poll One is about Theme. Poll Two is the Series Logline. Your answers will lay the foundation for […]

The reviews of Sentient were critical of our failure to address theme and character arc. I remember back in Film and TV school asking my lecturers, ‘What is theme?’ Nobody knew. No one would even speculate. They just said, ‘It’s about, whatever it’s about.’ How do you address the theme of your work? I’ve met […]

What happens to a city after the Sentient apocalypse? Listen to these sounds from the Golden Gate Bridge. The very best example of the haunting of a city by the alien presence. Start with the third video and work your way up. As much as I would‘ve loved this eerie sound to be aliens […]

By Dr Davin Eastley and David Steinhoff Index Origin What are they? Objective Precedents From instinct to conscious choice Context – Eating their way out of the cake The problem with being human Their arc and transformation ‘We are not humans experiencing spirit; we are spirits experiencing human.’ French philosopher and priest Pierre Teilhard […]

The journey of the Sentient The journey of the Sentient is to learn what it is to become truly human. Friendship and betrayal, desire and loss, love and hate, hate and revenge. They have a mission but their human experience changes that path. Like us, their look changes with their journey. Say my name They’re […]

Our guide for the trip through HMAS Penguin was former RAN Clearance Diver, Hugh ‘Obi’ O’Brien. Obi also served with TAG EAST, Australia’s Tactical Assault Group, (our web-footed, door-kickers) and is the author of an absorbing read on the Navy Diver experience, ‘UNDAUNTED’. Photo: Left – The HOD David Steinhoff. Right – Hugh ‘Obi’ O’Brien. […]

Introduction The Pilot is the show’s calling card. Fine-tuning is critical to ensure every relationship and conflict is properly set up for the rest of the season. I have created five different Teaser Acts for this Pilot now. Each of them explored how we would immediately engage the audience in the story of the protagonist […]
This post by Davin Eastley explores what might happen to the mental state of the survivors after Day One of the alien holocaust. Warning to readers This post deals with issues of mental distress and suicide. Loss of place It is clear throughout the philosophical and psychological literature that place is central to the human […]

Begin your review Draft Three of Sentient – Australia – A 42 page Pilot script, is ready for review. Click on the latest draft of the Pilot script (left) to view. Read the summary document here. What are the key revisions in the new draft? View the older draft, Draft Two here. Read the easy review […]

The are three versions of the life-forms Shepherd / protectors – Task – Protect the hosts during their transition. Lifespan. 12 hours. Betas – Translucent black, full of stars. Task – Protect the Alphas. Lifespan 12 years. Alphas – Manifesting full human form of their original host. Task – Find and mate with suitable […]