Tag : David Nerlich

The Sentient Pilot The Australian franchise of the Sentient story features Royal Australian Navy diver, Lieutenant Commander Michael Dowd, an Indigenous officer and our lead protagonist. Read the Sentient Pilot. Do you have an idea or enhancement that would improve the first six pages of the pilot? Log-in and add your idea to the comments section below. Your […]

Catch-up Missed the first two Sentient posts? View Part One – Sentient (featuring the story model, the synopsis, the science and a scene introducing the main character, ‘I wouldn’t do that’). View Part Two – Sentient, the why (Featuring a scene introducing the theme of colonisation, ‘First time for you’). Read a trailer script based on […]

Your vote on the Change-up poll revealed a desire for a simpler story. We’ve heard you and acted. Presence has created a new working title. We’ve focused on the sci-fi story and employed a Walking dead model. We will create a new site dedicated to the new franchise and will bring across the development community. The leaderboard and entitled […]

The series bible reveals the arc of the entire story. Parts one through five introduced the major players and big picture. Part six explores the pitch and the two streams of story that flow from the inciting incident. In this post Development so far Keeping it simple Two streams of story The sponsorship model Development so far Skip […]

Hola! Author, Carol Baauw phones Steiny and says, “Can you cover Supanova Sydney for Friday?” Could we what! Absolutely. Steiny, Waheed and I took it on. No camera? No problem, Iphone in hand, we captured stills and video of the fans. Special thanks to editor Nathan ‘Mac Daddy’ Macdonald who had to work with some […]

Writer, director and VFX specialist, David Nerlich created a motion graphics sequence for the Journey title. With no budget and pressed for time, David very kindly set about using what was at hand and what could be reused to create a starting point. The stings explore: 1. What could be done with the main title […]