
Full name

Monica Sayers

First name





How did you find us?

Stage 32


Sydney, Australia

About me

Hi everyone!
A little about me, eh?
Well,this career chose me – there wasn’t a choice to be made. From a young age, I watched my parents from backstage perform their cabaret act hundreds of times. By the time I was 10, I knew all the words to Barbra Streisand & Barry Gibbs’ song ‘Guilty’, Diana Ross & Lionel Ritchie’s ‘Endless Love’ and most of the songs by the Carpenters.
I’m passionate about storytelling – in how the story is being told. I believe everyone has a story to tell, but it’s in the telling of it that makes it interesting, which in turn can make the story shine. And I don’t just mean on the acting front, but also for the script too. I recently have watched a couple of films where there seemed to be a great story – one I was totally into, but the way it was conveyed was weak with too many waffling scenes.
I’m about clarity!
I’m inspired by other who are living out their dream – working with integrity and have respect for their fellow creators.


Quotes that inspire

Laughter is wine and medicine for the soul