David Steinhoff - Head of Development - "Sentient development is wrapping. If you are a member of the Leaderboard’s top 50 and or a former shareholder of Presence Slate One or Two, please ensure we have your current address, phone and email. Presence […]"View
Selina Kucks a.k.a. Sketa - "Hey there everyone! I hope spring has nicely, settled on your doorstep and the blooms bring you much needed energy and inspiration!"View
Janette Fowler - "@kahli thanks for adding me"View
Philip Sedgwick - "Recently posted a film project for funding on Slated: https://www.slated.com/films/88090/ We have a ways to go, but we are trending. Each week our score rises because one of our cast, Fahim Fazli, has a part in a […]"View
Jule Rustemeier - Ph.D. Science advisor - "Sometimes it takes me all day to get nothing done."View