
Full name

Robbie Sloan – Writer/Director/Editor

First name





How did you find us?

Linkedin and Steiny


Bath UK

About me

Robbie grew up in the wilds of Scotland and worked on farms milking cows and feeding chickens. One day he found a battered old camera in the barn and started taking pictures. Finally, he grew up and left for the big city, Dublin! 
The Dublin music scene was rocking and Robbie started to film the bands. He had some promo’s shown on MTV. People really liked his work but he still couldn’t afford a decent meal.
Then he found himself directing a viral for the Scissor Sisters and it won a big award. That night he ate like a King! Robbie now lives in London where he creates brand, entertainment and factual films.
He has scripted, produced / directed a diverse mix of work in entertainment, B2B and documentary for brands like; Volvic, BEA Systems, JP Morgan, Deezer, Siemens and Manchester City FC. 
Robbie has a knack for bringing out the best in people sometimes without them even noticing. His work feels natural and has an authentic warmth and charm.
He spends much of his time working with talent; Tom Jones, Cillian Murphy, Ren Harvieu, Tim Roth, Mika, David Attenborough, John Barrowman, Shappi Khorsandi and Zana Marjanovic to name but a few. 
Robbie is also an experienced lighting camera operator. My 

portfolio :
