
Full name

Pinky Special Fx Artist


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brisbane/Gold Coast or wherever the journey takes me

About me

I am a Special Fx and Professional Makeup Artist, i own and run Killer-Fx. SFX is my passion, i love anything to do with creating in all aspects. ever since i was a child i have loved to build and create with my hands. been able to express myself as an artist gives me a feeling that i cannot describe… been able to look at a character that i create or sfx that i apply to a person and been able to enter another world that we create for that brief window is why i do what i do…


Quotes that inspire

there are no specific people that inspire me, just actions that people take. the beauty that the world holds is the inspiration i use to create, my strengths, weaknesses and all i have learnt come from my interactions with people and there stories, we grow together as a whole…