David Steinhoff - Head of Development - "Sentient development is wrapping. If you are a member of the Leaderboard’s top 50 and or a former shareholder of Presence Slate One or Two, please ensure we have your current address, phone and email. Presence […]"View
Ebuka Okparauzoma - Screenwriter/Director/Creative Producer. - "@Wavager Happy birthday Dave. Keep living, stay winning."View
Selina Kucks a.k.a. Sketa - "Hey there everyone! I hope spring has nicely, settled on your doorstep and the blooms bring you much needed energy and inspiration!"View
Petra Caramela - Composer / Performer - "@nathanj interesting bio! Welcome to da show!"View
Craig Delahoy - "This is an update"View
Derek Stephen McPhail - "did you get my 2nd affirmation, that yes, I’m all for moving ahead with the new project name, “Sentient” and the focus on survivors? also, wondered if you still had any interest in my previous Canadian character […]"View
Christian Stamm - "Hi guys! I know I have been a little quiet lately… I was busy with my new 2015 SHOW REELS and my web, check’m out: My new 2015 SHOW REEL, English version: https://youtu.be/JO_ymJwxp2s ; The Spanish (longer) […]"View
Raul Ribeiro - "@leonardoreis welcome, bem vindo ."View
Kelly Langley - "Los Angeles members don’t for get to contact me for upcoming projects"View
Wayne Bassett - "Latest showreel can be seen at https://youtu.be/F_0FPfqomhA"View