
Full name

Lee Hallett


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About me

My wife found an ad in a local paper: actors/extras wanted. She said to me, “Lee, you have been acting all your life! Why don’t you just go and get paid for it?” So I walked into the agency, Studio Search, Gold Coast, and the lady at the front desk said, “You could get a role in Fortress II.” I didn’t know what Fortress I was! The agent said, “Come and sit down. How much money do you have?” I said, “Ten dollars.” He told me I needed $600.00 for a portfolio, so I told him if he got me the work, I would pay a portfolio off. He took one photo and Warner Bros rang me three days later! They told me they had a suit already made to fit me for an extra role in the movie, Streetfighter.

It was a career change for me, also it was a challenge. Underneath it all, I was fearful of rejection. I had to break down the “fear factor” wall! When I got roles, they were bringing out a positive realisation of believing in myself. So thinking “I am a tough guy” with such a tiny wall that created so much paranoia of the “not knowing” syndrome! I feel a great sense of fulfilment knowing I did something that I thought was so not for me. I did not think I could do that, but I did, and I love being an actor, even though I’m not famous. Who knows…

I’m fastidious about continuity in film. I believe US based directors have the uniqueness of holding the shot to bring out the best quality in the actors. This is an experience quality. Australian based directors don’t seem to have the same experience. However, Australian based directors will be a force to be reckoned with in the future with more films under their belts.

Quotes that inspire

“Here’s looking at you, kid” – Rick Blaine played by Humphrey Bogart in “Casablanca” 1942.