David Steinhoff - Head of Development - "Sentient development is wrapping. If you are a member of the Leaderboard’s top 50 and or a former shareholder of Presence Slate One or Two, please ensure we have your current address, phone and email. Presence […]"View
Selina Kucks a.k.a. Sketa - "Hey there everyone! I hope spring has nicely, settled on your doorstep and the blooms bring you much needed energy and inspiration!"View
Petra Caramela - Composer / Performer - "@nathanj interesting bio! Welcome to da show!"View
Naomi Lisner - Actor/Writer/Producer - "In two days we have the world premiere of Tracy a psychological 96 minute thriller at The Sun Theatre in Yarraville. It’s been a long time coming and lots of long hours. I co-produced, co-wrote and play the Lead […]"View
Victor Spiegel - "The Magic Horse is now available on iTunes and digital streamers. Now working on Solo Piano album."View
Kelly Langley - "Los Angeles members don’t for get to contact me for upcoming projects"View
Ahmed Ndao - "Sorry to all friendship requests accepted late, but I’m here you’re all welcome,nice to meet. I was just out of computer for awhile, but now I’m back and wish to get involved in this journey and more writing […]"View
Victor Maloney - Artist - "@dionwoo Good to make contact, Dion, all the best with your aspirations. Cheers, Victor."View