
Full name

Johan Van Dongen

First name



Van Dongen


How did you find us?

Stage 32 and Steiny


Rotterdam, Netherlands

About me

When Johan van Dongen started as CEO at the Microsurgical Educational Institute and also as co-founder and secretary of the Microsurgical Development Foundation MD, developing artificial devices such as ‘ PVC Artificial Rat and Anastomosis Simulator,’ as well as writing and publishing the ‘Manual of Microsurgery on the Laboratory Rat’, published by Elsevier Science publishers, and as Head of the Department of Experimental Microsurgery and lecturer at the Universities of Maastricht and Utrecht the Netherlands, he knew that he wouldn’t be long in the medical and pharmacological establishments, because he considers many activities there crime.

Fraud, plagiarism, theft of intellectual property, intimidation, threats and dismissal, are some of the challenges one couldn’t avoid in the medical and pharmaceutical business. It’s possible to survive if one pretends whatever crime he commits is normal. Even in a well respected country like the Netherlands, to choose between integrity and crime had been no problem, thus; he chose integrity even though he knew it would be an uphill battle in his career.

Johan was probably the first whistleblower in the Netherlands at the age of 32. At 43, he works inside the pharmacological and medical establishments and at 48, he was dismissed at the University of Maastricht the Netherlands, because he wouldn’t like to take part in crime other scientists believe was right. Johan obviously was a man with a clear mission.

Due to his experience in immunology, surgery, pharmacology, anatomy, biochemistry, microbiology, cell biology, pathology, physiology and animal science, he did research on the origin and spread of Aids and Ebola, and discovered that Aids and Ebola were caused by man. These crimes remain secret to common people but not to scientists. Either you support them or shut your mouth, but Johan wasn’t ready to shut his mouth.

All experiments he carried on animals, seemed unnecessary and served only as cloak for tests on people in Third World Countries, especially in Africa. Of course; there are white people who are paid to carry out testing of drugs and vaccines by the pharmaceutical industry, but in Africa it is easy to buy the military and government officials to do the job, because it is a large continent, with diverse people, where unrest and civil war continue without any possible control.

Within his autobiography “Aids and Ebola the greatest crime in medical history against mankind” (published on and with the help of the famous Ghanaian writer and investigative journalist Joel Savage, Johan tries to give the readers an overview of his books: ‘Pleading For The Monkey. The truth behind HIV/Aids and other infections (1997),’ Dutch title: ‘Pleidooi voor de aap. De waarheid achter aids en andere virusinfecties’ and ‘Aids The Greatest Crime In Medical History (2003), Dutch title: ‘Aids de grootste misdaad in de medische geschiedenis.’

In Johan’s opinion the aids establishment and media want you to believe otherwise but there are several scientists like him who doubt the HIV/aids-theory. As far as the Netherlands is concerned, yes, Johan is the only one, who wouldn’t like to remain silent but the reality is a different story. There is a list of notable people in Africa who have doubts over the origin and spread of aids, and also famous writers and Nobel Prize winners who believe the two tied diseases were man-made.

That’s why Johan van Dongen entered Stage 32 in order to investigated the possibilities for making a documentary or movie out of his whisleblowing work.