Jas Dhanda
@jas Active 11 years, 10 months agoHero points: 150

Journey Ambassador One
Value: 75 Hero points
Value: 75 Hero points

Journey Ambassador One
Value: 75 Hero points
Value: 75 Hero points
working on my craft. check out any work on http://www.vimeo.com/jasdhanda View
Viewing 1 - 11 of 11 active members
David Steinhoff - Head of Development - "Sentient development is wrapping. If you are a member of the Leaderboard’s top 50 and or a former shareholder of Presence Slate One or Two, please ensure we have your current address, phone and email. Presence […]"View
Philip Sedgwick - "Recently posted a film project for funding on Slated: https://www.slated.com/films/88090/ We have a ways to go, but we are trending. Each week our score rises because one of our cast, Fahim Fazli, has a part in a […]"View
Jennifer Seeley - "Free your imagination and follow our boards on Pinterest! We have visions aplenty! Characters, Community, The World Now and much, much more! http://pinterest.com/beginthejourney/"View
Irina Penn - "“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep”. Scott Adams"View
Elizabeth Leigh - "Hey everyone, please check out the Journey Blog group for the latest on what’s happening. Cheers"View
Damon Hannibal King - "hello virginia how are you i am damon king i am an actor its lovely to meet you @ginny"View
Viewing 1 - 11 of 11 active members