David Steinhoff - Head of Development - "Sentient development is wrapping. If you are a member of the Leaderboard’s top 50 and or a former shareholder of Presence Slate One or Two, please ensure we have your current address, phone and email. Presence […]"View
Craig Delahoy - "This is an update"View
Philip Sedgwick - "Recently posted a film project for funding on Slated: https://www.slated.com/films/88090/ We have a ways to go, but we are trending. Each week our score rises because one of our cast, Fahim Fazli, has a part in a […]"View
Raul Ribeiro - "@leonardoreis welcome, bem vindo ."View
Victor Spiegel - "The Magic Horse is now available on iTunes and digital streamers. Now working on Solo Piano album."View
Kelly Langley - "Los Angeles members don’t for get to contact me for upcoming projects"View
Benjie Anderson - "What’s good, my friends? I hope all of you on this platform, your families, friends, colleagues and others are safe and well. It’s a helluva time in human, medical and humane relations in the world-at-large. I […]"View
Silke' Renate Lienhardt - "Going to be looking for actresses for an adventure film about a scientist who learns how to create a zombie army that she alone can control."View
Daniel Jefferson - "greetings from Thailand and many thanks for the invitation"View