
Full name

Eva Deasy



How did you find us?

Stage 32



About me

Hi all! Since I have 13 I started to write, that was, and still my passion. But things in my life changed, and I started to teach kids with special education. I finished my MA in that area. I love kids, dosen’t matter they make me crazy lol. But in those years my passion for write never gone. Since only one year I started to write everyday, short stories, novel, never published. Now my focus are scripts, is a new challenge for me and I love it!! What inspire me? Everyting around me. My imagination run fast! I love SciFi, horror, adventure movies etc. Why I choose write scripts? Like I said is a new challenge for me. I love all the process! Ah, in adition, I love scuba dive, history, the unknow and mystery, paranormal things, aliens, the list is long!!!!

Quotes that inspire

Dream, visualize your life like you want to live it, and you will get it!

Keep your good humor, why a “bad” day should change that?

I love Stephen King and I adopted his write process.

Be positive, positive, positive!

I respect the Universe and he is working for me!