
Full name

Dennis Evano – CEO at Trans Media Productions

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Reno Nevada

About me

President; CEO
Trans Media Productions LTD
June 2014 – Present (1 year 8 months)Reno, Nevada Area
A diversified mass media marketing company with a global reach and a vast network of visual media outlets to serve its business client’s advanced advertising and marketing needs for the 21st Century. We have resources in place to bring the world’s marketplace to your doorstep. With Media Marketing Represntatives located in ten of the largest cities in the US Southwest and two in the midwest, we are able to provide optimum exposure at lower cost to our business clients in all sectors of the global business community, by using only the most advanced and highly productive mass media outlets, network, cable, internet and web TV, broadcasting your unique brand to a global demographic audience of your choice. Working in conjunction with the major networks to provide you with coverage second to none. We are the first marketing and entertainment production company of its kind not only regionally and nationally, but worldwide. Scrap your billboards and leave them back in the middle ages of the 20th Century. We are developing feature film projects for production in our local community of Reno, NV and in the Lake Tahoe area, with the intent to to utilize available, qualfied local talent and technical staff in the productioin of quality visual entertainment in films. TV series, and ground breaking documentaries with our focus on a global market, having already obtained investment and distribution partners in Asia and the United Arab Emirates. Nevertheless, we will continue to cultivate the extensive US market, eventually expanding into every major city and beyond, to all friendly foreign markets with the intent to influence the world citizenry in a positive and constructive way for the betterment of mankind.


Quotes that inspire

“There is room at the top for everyone” – me

“Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. … ”
–Ralph Waldo Emerson