Felino Dolloso - "https://www.facebook.com/FELINODOLLOSO – for news of my work as an actor. hope you can check it out and Like the page. cheers"View
Damon Hannibal King - "hello virginia how are you i am damon king i am an actor its lovely to meet you @ginny"View
Stephanie Elizabeth Paul - "Please go to and “LIKE” The Comedy Department on Facebook it is a Sketch show in development right now and I am one of the writer/Sketch actors on the show. https://www.facebook.com/TheComedyDepartment"View
Digital Theory Productions - "What’s up guys. Nicholas Patrick here for Digital Theory Productions. http:// nicholas-patrick.com"View
darrell plumridge - "Working on a few films and several auditions coming up always busy"View
nick paratore - "Like Fantasy/ Adventure films, especially a series? Please like my facebook fan page at Sabonia Films, follow Twitter Like Fantasy/ Adventure films, especially a series? Please like my facebook fan page at Sabonia […]"View
Lew Keilar - Storyboard Artist - "I know from my own film-making projects and animations that the role of producer is the starting point to any project. When I’m thinking of an idea for a film like my music video projects I may be writing the […]"View