
Full name

Daniel Byrnes


How did you find us?

via David Steinhof



About me

Background: ex-military officer turned actor & voice artist

Passions: food, love, nature, surfing, travel, languages, ancient cultures, great human stories, especially about people overcoming adversity

What drives me:
– I want to take the ‘keys to the castle’ away from the greedy profiteers and hand the planet back to those who will take care of it and put people, nature and humanity first.

– I want to tell stories (through film & theatre) that expose untruths and jolt us out of obsolete paradigms, to inspire people to behave more humanely towards each other.

Inspirations: great humanitarians, comedians and story-tellers: Nelson Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, Billy Connolly, David Attenborough amongst many others


Coming soon…

Quotes that inspire

We don’t know exactly who invented water but we’re pretty sure it wasn’t a fish (Anon)

Knowledge is only a rumour until it’s in the muscles
(PNG tribal saying)

“The ideals which have lighted me on my way and time after time given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Truth, Goodness and Beauty.” Albert Einstein

If you have enemies, good; that means you stood for something (Anon)

Never make someone a priority while they keep you as an option (Anon)

Experience is what you get when you don’t get what you want

“Your faithful bond of love can never be engaged to a suitor who is in a committed relationship with their fears. Your gladness can never outshine the darkness of another’s despair. And your healing touch can never cure their scars that are unwilling to accept your balm. You cannot inner another’s temple, if the door is shut…and you cannot defile your temple with their lust.”—

There’s no such thing as a spiritual journey. And if there was, it would be a quarter inch long and a thousand miles deep. (John O’Donohue)