
Full name

Craig Stone – Classical Mad Scientist

First name





How did you find us?

Linkedin and Steiny


Meadow Vista, CA USA – An almost a town in the Sierra foothills

About me

Buckaroo Banzai is the most succinct description of my background. Why Buckaroo Banzai? Dr. Buckaroo Banzai (The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension, a 1984 American Science Fiction Film) was a physicist, neurosurgeon, test pilot and rock musician. Okay, there are differences. My degree is a Ph.D. in Nuclear Chemistry with a thesis on Experimental and Theoretical Nuclear Physics. I am not a neurosurgeon, a test pilot, and I am not a rock musician. Offered as a close second, I am a trained concert organist, skilled in corporate governance, serve on the board of a water district as an elected public official, and my day job is in the field of Enterprise Architecture. Regarding all those folks with the name John? In my current role I am working with the state of California to help oversee the overhaul of the largest Medicaid processing system in the U.S. – maybe the new system will discover it was not only Grover’s Mill, New Jersey that was visited by the Red Lectroids. To unwind, I do things like add new ranks of pipes to my pipe organ; build a new switching system for the pipe organ; serenade the coyotes and deer here in the Sierra foothills with sounds of Bach, Guilmont, Vierne, Jongen and Sowerby; and then there is that nuclear hot dog maker that I am building.