Christoffer L. Jonsson - Actor
@christoffer Active 9 years agoHero points: 1,725
Sentient Ambassador
Value: 1000 Hero points
Value: 1000 Hero points
Christian Stamm - "Hi guys! I know I have been a little quiet lately… I was busy with my new 2015 SHOW REELS and my web, check’m out: My new 2015 SHOW REEL, English version: ; The Spanish (longer) […]"View
Raul Ribeiro - "@leonardoreis welcome, bem vindo ."View
Victor Spiegel - "The Magic Horse is now available on iTunes and digital streamers. Now working on Solo Piano album."View
Angelika Heeg - "The biggest stage is our life..!!!"View
Kelly Langley - "Los Angeles members don’t for get to contact me for upcoming projects"View
Wayne Bassett - "Latest showreel can be seen at"View
Benjie Anderson - "What’s good, my friends? I hope all of you on this platform, your families, friends, colleagues and others are safe and well. It’s a helluva time in human, medical and humane relations in the world-at-large. I […]"View