Benjie Anderson - "What’s good, my friends? I hope all of you on this platform, your families, friends, colleagues and others are safe and well. It’s a helluva time in human, medical and humane relations in the world-at-large. I […]"View
Silke' Renate Lienhardt - "Going to be looking for actresses for an adventure film about a scientist who learns how to create a zombie army that she alone can control."View
Miguelito Acosta - Art and Technology - "@ricardo Welcome my friend, and congratulations for your nice work. Watch and share my ShowReel. I’m available to work. Hugs and success to us. https://vimeo.com/358028469"View
Jennifer Seeley - "Free your imagination and follow our boards on Pinterest! We have visions aplenty! Characters, Community, The World Now and much, much more! http://pinterest.com/beginthejourney/"View
Jillie Simon - "Thanks to David Steinhoff for inviting me on here! -He kindly started a profile for me and also set about “introducing” me (connected me) to a number of people on the team–it’s a pleasure to meet you all! -I wish […]"View
Victor Maloney - Artist - "@dionwoo Good to make contact, Dion, all the best with your aspirations. Cheers, Victor."View
Roderic Byrnes - "If you get the chance, please check out the IndieGoGo fundraising initiative Ion Nibiru is running for it’s first short film, ‘Legends’. ‘Legends’ is about community, character, and what it means to win. […]"View