
Full name

Chris Carvill

First name





Skype name


How did you find us?

David Steinhoff contacted me.


Ringwood, Victoria

About me

What motivates me to write, is my keen interest in questioning and challenging status quos. As much as my scripts contain fantastical worlds and twisted setups, I like to believe they are anchored by authentic issues.

My objective with my writing is to construct the most compelling, most engaging material, which also prompts a more civil, more conscientious world – even if on the smallest of scales. I also like to advocate for a more environmentally-friendly society, as idealistic as that may be. And for this reason, am creating a ‘green short film’ soon – that I recently completed writing (if anyone is interested).

What inspires more than anything else, is working alongside people who are enthusiastic, driven, but above all good-hearted. As I feel that the spirit with which projects are undertaken, is a primary determinant of success.

Quotes that inspire

To quote a film: “You want something go get it. Period”.