
Full name

Dr. Craig Cooper – Writer – Science consultant

First name





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Sydney Australia

About me

When I was a kid (like three years old), Commander Keen was my favourite game. And it was awesome! Unfortunately, I only had one game in the series, and my parents weren’t… keen… to send their credit card details over the phone to a company overseas. This was well before Internet, mind you. So I couldn’t get the rest of the games, even though I really wanted them. Instead, I started designing my own games and stories on a magnadoodle. That’s how I developed my love of storytelling and software engineering. I was introduced to software engineering and C++ at age seven. My objective then was to make my own games. Since then, I have soaked up experience in Python, Lua, PHP, network programming, embedded microcontroller programming, and mobile app development. Then, when I was in year five, my teacher read to me the Chinese creation myth. That triggered a spark in my mind, which over the years transformed into an invented world, with its own mythology, languages, and history. I really hope to become a published author with my work.




Personal Website
Twitter @TheSilvrAlchmst

Quotes that inspire

If I see far, it is only because I stand on the shoulders of giants.