
Full name

Rafael Tavares

First name






Brooklyn, New York

About me

I have always loved entertaining, telling a story, sharing information, teaching a lesson, or just trying to teach something. To me it is all related and if you can entertain and teach all the better.
Studied Broadcasting at Kingsborough Community College graduated in 1996 with and associates.

Was the MC and one of the lighting technicians for the DJ group RAW productions.

Have always been complimented on my voice and told that I should be a DJ on the radio or because of my funny voices do cartoons. This was what prompted me to study broadcasting at KCC. Now because of the support of my Best Friend CADMA I will attempt to live my dream. Thank you for coming along on this ride that is my life.


Quotes that inspire

“Certainly there is a new age coming, and it will be a planetary age. But the beginnings of ages are usually terrible, with great violence, yang in a most brutal way. New ages don’t come softly; they are times of aggression and smashing. I see no sign of anything gentle happening.”
Joseph Campbel
“Every man dies but not every man really lives.” – Braveheart