
Full name

Angus Young




About me

My strong family background and subsequent work ethic inspires me to see beyond the normal. I have an intricate interest in forcing emotions on screen through cinematography and actor direction which develops ornate relationship with the audience drawing them closer and closer into the drama. Currently I Produce, Direct, Edit, and Compose at my own initiative, YoungFilms Independent, whilst also working freelance for the Department of Education and other companies.
I have worked in the industry for three years, heading major productions such as New England Dance Festival, Creative Arts Public Education Regional Spectacular (Capers), Commercial advertising work, Documentaries and, Short and Long-Form films.
From an early age I developed a sensational interest for film and it’s industry, whilst also familiarising myself with cameras such as RED Epic, ARRI Alexa, ARRIFLEX (35mm), Sony XD CAM, Canon c300, and various DSLR work flows.


Quotes that inspire

When under pressure, it is wise to behave like a duck; keep calm and unruffled on top, but paddle like hell underneath.

You simply have to put one foot in front of the other and keep going. Put blinders on and plow right ahead. – George Lucas.

I don’t believe in elitism. I don’t think the audience is this dumb person lower than me. I am the audience. – Quentin Tarantino