
Format requirements vary.
We’re going to lock-in one.
If asked, we can change it.
It’s important each team employs the same format.
Episode format – First season
Your pilot should be around 60 pages.
The first season should include 5 additional episodes of around 45 pages each.
Each episode should start with a teaser intro of around 5 pages that sets-up the dilemma for the episode.
Follow this with a 4 or 5 act structure to execute the story.
Each act should follow the formula.
Script format
Each episode should consist of a title page followed by a teaser to set up the story, (around 5 pages), and be followed by four or five acts, (titled Act One, Act Two etc).
The end of the five page teaser will exit on the title, (this leads into the show trailer).
Check out the Sentient Australia Pilot to view an example of the teaser format.
See this Hannibal example to view the four/five act structure. This is a shooting script with camera directions. Don’t add camera directions.