Corporate Sponsorship

Imagine a global community of highly motivated, digitally-connected buyers.
YOU have the floor.
What do you have to offer?
Sentient is a new sci-fi TV series being developed by Presence Global Entertainment.
Sponsor Sentient and make an offer
Sponsor Sentient and the community behind the project becomes your private buyers’ club.
Where to start?
Win hearts and minds:
Reward endeavour. Offer a prize.
The hardest working members of our team are eligible to win Sponsor prizes.
Offer a free draw-prize such as:
- A product
- A service
- Or a value voucher
Embed your offer on our site by providing:
- A link to your site
- A link to you current promotion
- A link to an ebay auction
- Products
- Services
- Value vouchers
- Cashback on purchases by our community
We’ll promote your offer via:
- Our weekly email
- Our social media
- A sidebar or page ad on our site
- Endorsement by one of our fabulous Actors in one of our promotional videos
- Credit on one of our trailers
Two bites, same cherry
Pay once. Get two bites.
- Sponsor Sentient for one month and receive one additional week’s promotion
- Sponsor Sentient for three months and receive three additional week’s promotion
- Sponsor Sentient for six months and receive endorsement by one of our fabulous actors in an on-site video message
- Sponsor Sentient for a year and receive video endorsement and credit on one of our trailers
- Every week you sponsor Sentient you can upload new promotions and links that we will happily promote to our team via our email updates and sidebar ads
Topping on that?
Name a character in sentient:
Name a character in the Sentient series after you, your company, or your brand.
Gift naming rights to a family member, friend or employee.
We can write them into the story.
Contact us to find out how you can become part of the story.
Product and brand placement:
Embed your brand and products into the Sentient story and not just a product on a table. We can digitally paint your brand, product or company onto trucks, walls, aircraft, buildings and more.
Hold an event at your venue or promote at one of our events:
We have a vast supply of talent and crew.
We can hold events at your premises.
Talk to us about your venue, schedule and event planning to determine rates.
Invites to Sentient events
Sponsorship of Sentient gains you two VIP invites to Sentient events in the future.
Plus, you’ll be framed on our Sponsor wall as being one of the companies that helped make Sentient happen.

Your promotion includes
- Weekly promotion of your offer (for the window of time purchased) via our weekly email and social media
- A side bar promotion linked to your site
- The toppings of your choice, events or character naming, (subject to negotiation)
- Two VIP invites to Sentient events
- Inclusion on the new sponsor wall for being one of the companies that made Sentient happen
That feel-good moment
Are you as over reality TV as much as we are?
One more cooking show and you’ll be picking up a knife and it won’t be to chop onions?
Your sponsorship supports the development of a truly engaging sci-fi TV show.
Find out more about the story, characters and community right here.
Contact our head of development, David Steinhoff to sort the details, get it in writing and receive a tax invoice.
Once sorted and scheduled, send us your logo and links.
The legal stuff
Standard consumer law applies to all transactions between Sentient community and your business.
Misleading offers, failure to deliver product, services or vouchers or any act that may bring Presence Global Entertainment or the Sentient project into disrepute will terminate the sponsorship relationship and obligations.
We may run multiple promotions at the same time but never one of your brand or product competitors at the same time.
We live for your happiness. The law we live by.