Category : Title

Background Reviews of ‘Sentient’ – Draft Four of the Pilot, were critical of our failure to address the issues of theme and character arc. This post This post will ask your opinion via two poll questions. Poll One is about Theme. Poll Two is the Series Logline. Your answers will lay the foundation for […]

Your vote on the Change-up poll revealed a desire for a simpler story. We’ve heard you and acted. Presence has created a new working title. We’ve focused on the sci-fi story and employed a Walking dead model. We will create a new site dedicated to the new franchise and will bring across the development community. The leaderboard and entitled […]
This post proposes the biggest change in direction in the history of the Journey project. It can empower the global team and get the project into production in 2015. Some of you won’t like it. Development so far Four months after publishing the first of the series bible posts, we’re still answering questions on the basics of […]

The series bible reveals the arc of the entire story. Parts one through five introduced the major players and big picture. Part six explores the pitch and the two streams of story that flow from the inciting incident. In this post Development so far Keeping it simple Two streams of story The sponsorship model Development so far Skip […]
Poll results Thank you for voting. The Title fight is now on. Your mission is to create a new title, designed specifically for the cable TV series of the Journey. Brief Prepare your ideas for a new title. DO NOT submit them until the call for submissions. You will be notified by email and social media […]