Category : Pilot

Sentient – Evolution


 ‘My God, it’s full of stars’ Who can forget Stanley Kubrick’s immortal film ‘2001’ and Commander Dave’s famous last transmission from space? ‘My God it’s full of stars.’ The design of the alien lifeform in Sentient pays homage to and adds to the mythology of the monolith in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001. Run The last scene of the Australian […]

Script Editing


 I’m just finishing up my first gig as a Script Editor on a feature film. It’s been a very interesting and enjoyable experience, and I wouldn’t mind doing it again. Does anyone here have snippets of Sentient script they want Script Edited? (I’d even consider non-Sentient projects, though for a fee.)





Sentient – Sci-fi TV – Pilot Formula


 Structure and Beat sheet Formula deals with the structure of the Sentient pilot. No structure, no joy.  Know structure, know joy. This post contains the Teaser plus five act structure guide along with the Australian Pilot’s beat sheet. It is the essential guide for writers of the series. Contents First Season format Script format Floating formula […]

Soundtrack – Jeff Bernstein


 Commission We tasked Scotland UK based composer, Jeff Bernstein to explore soundtrack concepts for the new Sci-fi TV series, Sentient. Brief The Australian pilot features a character called Sam. Sam is an idiot-savant teenage girl. She doesn’t speak but her sensory perception and empathic ability is through the roof. Sam arrives at the very end […]

Abilities of the Sentient

Abilities of the Sentient


 The Journal I don’t have to tell you what will happen if anyone finds this journal.   Have I made myself clear? Good, let’s begin.  Preface Forget everything you think you know about this life form. They’re nothing like we thought. There’s nothing you can do to stop what’s about to happen.  Save yourself.  Abilities […]

Sentient - Pilot update - May 20th 2015

Sentient – Pilot update – May 20th 2015


 The Season One page lists each advance of the script. The latest update to the pilot went up May 20th and features significant changes which are important to your understanding of the story.  The Teaser and Act One Time starved? Here’s a summary.  Within the first nine pages we; Intro the hero, Lt. Commander Michael Dowd Preview a […]


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