Category : Pilot

What happens to a city after the Sentient apocalypse? Listen to these sounds from the Golden Gate Bridge. The very best example of the haunting of a city by the alien presence. Start with the third video and work your way up. As much as I would‘ve loved this eerie sound to be aliens […]

The journey of the Sentient The journey of the Sentient is to learn what it is to become truly human. Friendship and betrayal, desire and loss, love and hate, hate and revenge. They have a mission but their human experience changes that path. Like us, their look changes with their journey. Say my name They’re […]

Introduction The Pilot is the show’s calling card. Fine-tuning is critical to ensure every relationship and conflict is properly set up for the rest of the season. I have created five different Teaser Acts for this Pilot now. Each of them explored how we would immediately engage the audience in the story of the protagonist […]

Begin your review Draft Three of Sentient – Australia – A 42 page Pilot script, is ready for review. Click on the latest draft of the Pilot script (left) to view. Read the summary document here. What are the key revisions in the new draft? View the older draft, Draft Two here. Read the easy review […]

Begin your review Draft Two of Sentient – Australia – The 65 page Pilot script, is ready for review. Click on the latest draft of the Pilot script (left) to view. Read the summary document here. Submit your review by Sept 30th 2019. Your points will be added to the Leaderboard. Don’t forget, participating in each […]

Begin your review Geoff Dupuy-Holder’s Draft One of Sentient UK’s Pilot script is ready for review. Click on the latest draft of the Pilot script (left) to view. Submit your review by August 31st, 2019. Your points will be added to the Leaderboard. Don’t forget, participating in each of the reviews/tasks for 2019 earns a […]

Begin your review Joseph DiFrancesco’s Draft Four of Sentient USA Pilot script is ready for review. Click on the latest draft of the Pilot script (left) to view. Read the beat sheet summary here. Submit your review by June 14th 2019. Your points will be added to the Leaderboard. Don’t forget, participating in each of the […]

In the Australian Season One, one of the lifeforms tagged, ‘The Beast’ is captured and interrogated. The lifeform has not spoken up until this point. At the climax of the interview, the interrogator fast-fires a series of questions, ‘Where do you come from?’ ‘What do you want?’ Finally, ‘Who sent you?’ The first words we […]

Introduction The formula and the science behind our story, has evolved. This new content, along with your reviews has enabled writers such as the USA’s Joseph DiFrancesco and the UK’s Geoff Dupuy-Holder to create more targeted works however some of the original writers, such as Russia’s Nikita Ivanenko and Nigeria’s Ebuka Okparauzoma found their original drafts required […]

Begin your review Welcome to Joseph DiFrancesco’s Philadephia, USA Pilot script review. This is the first of the reviews for the global team including Australia. Click on the Pilot script to the left to view. See the original work and all prior reviews by the HOD here to track the work’s progress so far. Please […]