Category : Help

The Journey is the first in a series of paintings by Victor Maloney. A few months ago Victor suggested he create a series exploring the development episodes of ‘Journey of the seeds’ starting with ‘Exodus’. ‘The Journey’ explores the arrival of a family of refugees from the northern hemisphere seeking to escape the apocalypse however the […]

Evette Henderson is the founder of Ozemag, a leading resource for aspiring actors. The acting industry inspires unique realms of talent and offers diversity like no other career but information can be hard to come by. Evette offers her readers a world of experience and inside scoops. “I had a lot of questions I couldn’t […]

By Rafael Tavares and Chantal Aytes Location: New York Synopsis: Filled with confusion and guilt Gabriella is stuck trying to figure out why the world is coming to an end and if there’s a way she can ever help to stop it. Summary: Gabriella is about to graduate from high school her family has taken her […]

Nobody knows anything – William Goldman from, ‘Adventures in the screentrade’. The formula for a box office hit is arguably, a mystery. The same can be said for social media. Here’s an insight into what’s working and what’s not for the Journey project. The insights we have gleaned may provide guidance for you with your […]

Better Beever and even better fever. Recently we ran a competition associated with our ‘Day One’ scene project. The prize on offer was a unique journey into composition for film, Mike Beever’s new EP, ‘The Season’s of Man’. Congratulations to Israel’s David Moran on your win. When Mike released his new album, […]

Writer, director and VFX specialist, David Nerlich created a motion graphics sequence for the Journey title. With no budget and pressed for time, David very kindly set about using what was at hand and what could be reused to create a starting point. The stings explore: 1. What could be done with the main title […]

Hola! Welcome to Sydney’s winter wonderland, Supanova, ‘Part two!’ “When the guy in the banana suit started to peel, I knew we were in for trouble” Do you feature in these stills? Join up and claim your moment in the sun in the comments section below. “Unhand that young woman!” Presenter, Shane C. […]

Hola! Welcome to Sydney’s winter wonderland, Supanova! This is the first in our new Supa-series of photo and video posts. “You need a license to have this much fun” “Please remain clothed at all times” Carol’s crew rocked the house! “We own this place, well at least the stall, this is sovereign […]

By Virginia Higgins Synopsis: An Australian scientist from Pine Gap finds out the truth while nursing his dying wife Location: Michigan USA and Pine Gap – Australia Read, rate, review Signed-in members can: Read the author’s script Rate it using the gold star system, (above the author’s photo) Review the script by adding […]