Category : Contracts

The top 50 The Leaderboard tracks our community’s financial and professional contributions to development. Each contribution is rewarded with points. Points entitle you to a slice of the pie from the sale of the work. The foundation for a payout to team members for the sale or production of Sentient is based on who is in […]
‘My God, it’s full of stars’ Who can forget Stanley Kubrick’s immortal film ‘2001’ and Commander Dave’s famous last transmission from space? ‘My God it’s full of stars.’ The design of the alien lifeform in Sentient pays homage to and adds to the mythology of the monolith in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001. Run The last scene of the Australian […]

Commission We tasked US based composer, David James Nielsen with exploring soundtrack concepts for the new Sci-fi TV series, Sentient. Image by Enric Andrian Gener Brief Like all life the, ‘Sentient’ start with water. With their metamorphosis complete they begin their human journey. About the Composer David James Nielsen entered the musical world playing the piano, starting […]

We just introduced the foundation conditions for eligibility. These conditions now feature on our Leaderboard. To be eligible to receive a disbursement from the sale of the franchise, we propose the following criteria: Team members must: Be a member of the development site Have over 2000 points Be in the top 50 ranked members Have […]