Category : Artwork

The journey of the Sentient The journey of the Sentient is to learn what it is to become truly human. Friendship and betrayal, desire and loss, love and hate, hate and revenge. They have a mission but their human experience changes that path. Like us, their look changes with their journey. Say my name They’re […]

The are three versions of the life-forms Shepherd / protectors – Task – Protect the hosts during their transition. Lifespan. 12 hours. Betas – Translucent black, full of stars. Task – Protect the Alphas. Lifespan 12 years. Alphas – Manifesting full human form of their original host. Task – Find and mate with suitable […]

The top 50 The Leaderboard tracks our community’s financial and professional contributions to development. Each contribution is rewarded with points. Points entitle you to a slice of the pie from the sale of the work. The foundation for a payout to team members for the sale or production of Sentient is based on who is in […]
‘My God, it’s full of stars’ Who can forget Stanley Kubrick’s immortal film ‘2001’ and Commander Dave’s famous last transmission from space? ‘My God it’s full of stars.’ The design of the alien lifeform in Sentient pays homage to and adds to the mythology of the monolith in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001. Run The last scene of the Australian […]

Commission We tasked US based composer, David James Nielsen with exploring soundtrack concepts for the new Sci-fi TV series, Sentient. Image by Enric Andrian Gener Brief Like all life the, ‘Sentient’ start with water. With their metamorphosis complete they begin their human journey. About the Composer David James Nielsen entered the musical world playing the piano, starting […]

Collaboration UK based composer, Dale Sumner and Czech POP princess, Petra Caramela are both well known to the Sentient development community. Petra created an alluring love song and performed it, ‘as if’ she were, ‘Kayla’, Lt. Commander Michael Dowd’s estranged wife, now possessed by an alien lifeform. Dale created the haunting soundtrack for Petra’s work. Like […]
Haunting When the Sentient enter a space, they scan it. The waves cause materials to RESONATE thus creating that tell-tale, ‘Tibetan singing bowl’ style hum. Commission Presence Global Entertainment tasked UK based composer, Dale Sumner to explore an alien, ‘first contact’ experience. The brief was simple, ‘Scare us.’ Imagine INT. BALMORAL. FAMILY HOME. LOUNGE – NIGHT Dowd leafs through a stack […]

Commission Presence Global Entertainment tasked UK based composer, Dale Sumner to create a forty to sixty second soundtrack for the trailer of the new Sci-fi TV series, Sentient. Brief Application This is a trailer track. When do we hear this? It runs after the teaser entry to an episode and is accompanied by the credits. Segue The […]

Storyboard artist, Brendan Tolley created a series of boards to explore Sentient’s opening trailer. The work is a first draft, reference point, by which the team can discuss the best way forward to execute the work. Share the love. Select the blue, ‘Award me points’ on Brendan’s profile to show your appreciation. Slideshow Log in to comment below Have […]

Your vote on the Change-up poll revealed a desire for a simpler story. We’ve heard you and acted. Presence has created a new working title. We’ve focused on the sci-fi story and employed a Walking dead model. We will create a new site dedicated to the new franchise and will bring across the development community. The leaderboard and entitled […]