The Top 25?

The Top 25?

David Steinhoff - Head of Development - Presence Global Entertainment

The top 50

The Leaderboard tracks our community’s financial and professional contributions to development.

Each contribution is rewarded with points. Points entitle you to a slice of the pie from the sale of the work. 

The foundation for a payout to team members for the sale or production of Sentient is based on who is in the top 50 on our Leaderboard. We are considering a change to this.

SEP - Girl - red t - white and red line T 151515 600

The top 25 

We seek the community’s comments as to their position on shifting this value to only the top 25. 


Please log in and use the comments section at the bottom of this post to state your view on this change.

The stats

The top earners on the Leaderboard are;

  • Writers
  • Producers
  • Financial contributors 
  • Composers
  • Actors 

Change is coming to ‘points awarded for financial contribution’

There is still a great deal of work to be done to complete the global scripts, series bible and teaser trailer. Whilst supporters can sponsor Sentient, we really haven’t been pursuing this recently as the CEO’s contributions to admin have covered costs incurred however we will need funding in the future to create a teaser trailer, for attachments and travel.

To encourage this we’ll be offering a ten to one deal, dollars for points. This will shift some of the weightings within the Leaderboard but is necessary to ensure we have the capital to take the work to market.

Please comment below to ensure your voice is heard

Comment on; 

  • The shift from 50 to 25
  • The shift to advantage financial supporters with a 10 to 1 offer of points 

SEP - Girl - red t - white and red line T 151515 600

Sponsor Sentient

19 Responses

  1. I am speaking purely from my own interest, yes I am disappointed with this decision as I am a financial contributor and sure my contribution was not as much as some other investors but I was one of the earliest financial investors into this when it was only just an idea and I brought into David’s vision as there was only in its infancy at the time.
    I currently sit at No.26 on the leader board so I am one position past 25. Now suddenly it appears I would be greatly disadvantaged because the goals posts have been moved.
    If I have miss understood the process feel free to comment.

  2. I should probably think Ebuka’s comment is a fair one and the system should remain as it is. Changing things now would put a lot of people at a disadvantage, whether they are at the top 50 or below. If you change the system – there would be considerable confusion; numerous contacting of all parties; legal issues to consider for having changed it and fewer individuals would consider this a viable venture. Keeping as ethical as possible, without issues can only be seen as a bonus in its cap.
    Then, there is the old saying, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” 🙂

  3. At what point do the 10-1 contributions cease to displace the current leaders? Or does it go all the way to final budget / sale?

    • The 10 -1 applies only to development. Even in the heydays before the GFC, the max I ever raised for development was $300K. More likely we will see contributions of 10 to 25. In this case, that would displace even the top person on the tree, the HOD. This would displace to 1-5 people. The upside is trailer and other funding to help sell the work and make the far greater sums.

  4. Lets run this through the filter of self interest. Why would the 25-50 ranked support this? They might, just asking why.

    • We can say without too much doubt that the Writers during development are going to be at the top of the list. There are many contributors who may miss out if we go the top 25. The advantage of the top 25 is that it provides a significant pay increase to the top 25. AS for motivations, no mystery there.

      • Sorry for not replying sooner – no email nofications. So the rationale is you seek more commitment from fewer contributors rather than a larger cohort of contributors? And you fear the project will stall otherwise?

        • Hi David,
          No email? That may be in the profile settings re preferences. If that is not the case, let me know.
          Re the plan, I have no fixed position other than increasing the yield for the top 25.
          Re stall, my limited time has done more to delay the project. It was out failure to raise $ and the requirement for me to support it. No stress. That’s just the way it worked out.

  5. Hello Dave,

    It seems a lot is changing and things will get a lot better. But my humble submission is that we should reconsider the review from 1-50 to 1-25. At least for the time being.
    Hopefully when a better partnering deal is secured I want to believe will help motivate the team members, a lot of persons were quite affected with the slow progression of the project. I know so many great contributors I met here but right now, it appears that they are scarce.



  6. Keith Melton says:

    Forgive the typo: “form” should be “from” (my right hand types marginally quicker than my left!)

  7. Keith Melton says:

    I understand the shift form top 50 to top 25 (not sure I agree with it but I understand it) what is less clear is what is meant by the 10 to 1 shift for financial input – what is the current points value of $1 and are you suggesting that is multiplied tenfold? Clarity owuld help to know whether and how much to invest! cheers


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