
Shane C. Rodrigo


Keeping track

The Leaderboard tracks our community’s financial and professional contributions to development.

It starts with a hero

Each contribution is rewarded with hero points. Points entitle you to a slice of the pie from the sale of the franchise. Scroll down to learn more.

Why ‘hero’ points?

There’s an old saying in entertainment, ‘It starts with a hero.’ 

You become one of the heroes of Sentient when you sponsor development or provide your professional services to help realise the work. 

Sale of the franchise

This is a global franchise. 

Yes, our teams will create content to sell into their own markets however the ultimate business objective is to sell the Sentient franchise to a U.S. production house or network for remake.

The sale of the Rights entitles the buyer to to recreate the work in the U.S and distribute it globally in the same way that the Israel based production of ‘Prisoners of war’ was sold as a franchise to the US and recreated as ‘Homeland’.

The profits realised from the sale of the Rights to Sentient will be distributed to:

  • The Development Team and Sponsors via the Leaderboard
  • Our Investors via a Production and Investment Agreement
  • Presence Global Entertainment 

Who is eligible? 

To be eligible to receive a disbursement from the sale of the franchise, team members will have to meet the following criteria: 

  • Be a member of the Sentient.tv development site
  • Have over 2000 points
  • Be in the top 50 ranked members
  • Have contributed either financially or by recognised service* to the development of the project to a value of no less than 2000 points 

*Recognised service is demonstrated by a team member’s Campaign/Award Stamps.

*Current or former Shareholders in the Presence Group do not have to meet the eligibility requirements to receive disbursement from the sale of the franchise. 

Terms and Conditions

The Leaderboard page will serve as a proxy, shortform contract for the team until our legal team creates a ‘Terms and Conditions’ Agreement for entitlements and the site. 

How do I earn points? 

You earn points when:

  • You sponsor the work either as a business or an individual
  • You act as an Executive Producer to introduce new Sponsors or Investors
  • You are engaged to develop the Work and your contribution is unpaid 
  • You participate within the community, post on or promote the site and the Work

Points versus payment

Fees for development, pre-prod, production, post and ancillary services rendered are negotiated per job. Points for these services will be added manually but then discounted where the member is paid a fee.

In other words, if you’re paid 100% of the negotiated rate for the service you perform, you do not receive any points in the Work. If you receive 80% of the fee, the unpaid balance is added to your points in the work at a rate of one point per unpaid dollar. 


  • Join site – 10 points
  • Log in – 5 points (daily)
  • Join Group – 5 points
  • Add friend – 5 points
  • Scriptwriter: (Based on a five page assignment) – 500 points
  • Script Format Reviewer: (For format and English language correction of a work of up to ten pages) – 400 points
  • Script Reviewer: (For read, review and recommendations on a work of up to ten pages) – 500 points
  • Sentient Cast: (Per day) – 1000 points
  • Sentient Crew: (Per Day) – 1000 points
  • Sentient Foley or Sound specialist: (Per Day) – 1000 points
  • Sentient Specialist – 1000 points
  • Sentient Production Designer: (Master design) – 2500 points 
  • Sentient Post: (FX, Grading, Editing per minute) – 1500 points
  • Sentient Composer: (Project oriented but based on a composition of up to four minutes) – 2500 points
  • Sentient ATL team: (Producers, Directors, DP and key ‘Above the line Team’ for development and execution, per minute of work created) – 3000 points
  • Sentient Executive Producer: (For introducing Sponsors or Investors to Sentient) – 1000 points
  • Sentient Award for excellence: (For getting it right, really right) – Points subject to just how much we love you


  • Sentient Content Creator – 500 points
  • Sentient Publisher: (For the arrangement, proofing and publishing of a post) – 500 points
  • Sentient Content Publisher: (For creating the content for and publishing a post) – 1000 points
  • Comment on post – 10 points
  • Sentient Collaborator: (For unique comment or participation) – 25 points
  • Sentient Valued Collaborator: (For an impressive idea that improves the story or visual or a tip that advances our process) – 100 points


  • Sentient Ambassador: (Talent fee for use of your image on the site and through our social media to promote Sentient) – 1000 points 
  • Enter into an agreement to promote Sentient in a significant way employing your own website, social or via the media and we will negotiate a points deal

Purchase Campaign stamps 

  • One star – 100 points 
  • Two star – 250 points
  • Three star – 500 points
  • Four Star – 1,000 points
  • Five Star – 2,500 points
  • Six Star – 5,000 points

red line on 151515

Your Campaign Veteran stamps 

red line on 151515

Your history

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Your points and value summary 

The, ‘Top 250 members’ table, tracks the community’s contributions and tabulates the points you accrue throughout development.

The Split

Profits will be split three ways between the Production Investors, the Development Community, (including our Sponsors), and Presence Global Entertainment. 

The Sale of Franchise Bonus is based on an equal third representing an estimated one million Australian dollars. 

The, ‘Sale of Franchise Bonus – Points and value summary’, does not constitute an offer to sell equity in Presence Global Entertainment or any other entity associated with the project. 

All estimates are speculation. There are no guarantees. As a community, we must focus our talents on achieving excellence at what we do then take that to the market.  

The top 50

Sale of Franchise bonus, Hero points, and value summary
Total points issued to Top 50 users to date: 1,806,226
Estimated Sale of Franchise bonus: $1,000,000.00
Estimated value of 1 Hero points: $0.55
PositionUserHero pointsPercentageValue
1 David Steinhoff - Head of Development (Wavager) 435,839 24.1 % $239,711.45
2 Joseph DiFrancesco - Screenwriter (joseph) 155,350 8.6 % $85,442.50
3 Craig Delahoy (delahoc) 86,225 4.8 % $47,423.75
4 Ebuka Okparauzoma - Screenwriter/Director/Creative Producer. (ebuka) 83,002 4.6 % $45,651.10
5 David Nerlich (davidn) 66,765 3.7 % $36,720.75
6 Dale Sumner - Composer (dale) 60,667 3.4 % $33,366.85
7 Carol Baauw (chedwyn) 52,260 2.9 % $28,743.00
8 Hugh 'Obi' O'Brien -Senior Military Advisor {former Clearance Diver, TAG (east) operator} (obi) 52,185 2.9 % $28,701.75
9 Dr. Michael Dowd - Navy reservist - Medical advisor to Sentient (mdowd) 50,220 2.8 % $27,621.00
10 Keith Melton (captaincobbler) 49,170 2.7 % $27,043.50
11 Nikita Ivanenko (troll) 46,666 2.6 % $25,666.30
12 Jule Rustemeier - Ph.D. Science advisor (jule) 45,905 2.5 % $25,247.75
13 Geoff Dupuy-Holder - Screenwriter (geoffd) 44,760 2.5 % $24,618.00
14 Deddy Tzur - EP, Composer, China liaison (deddy) 42,425 2.3 % $23,333.75
15 Hazel Short (hazelnut) 42,424 2.3 % $23,333.20
16 Trefor Davies (trefdavies) 41,999 2.3 % $23,099.45
17 Petra Caramela - Composer / Performer (petracaramela) 37,944 2.1 % $20,869.20
18 Dr. Craig Cooper - Writer - Science consultant (CC) 35,735 2.0 % $19,654.25
19 Naira Gevorkyan - Screenwriter (naira) 32,705 1.8 % $17,987.75
20 filmit filmit (filmitproductions) 19,445 1.1 % $10,694.75
21 Neec Nonso - writer, photographer and poet (neec) 18,785 1.0 % $10,331.75
22 Jeff Bernstein - Composer (jeff) 18,515 1.0 % $10,183.25
23 Aaron Latina - Composer (aaron) 18,370 1.0 % $10,103.50
24 Craig Stone – Classical Mad Scientist (craigs) 17,595 1.0 % $9,677.25
25 Harley Woods - Problem solver (harley) 17,285 1.0 % $9,506.75
26 Daniel Garcia (danielg) 16,100 0.9 % $8,855.00
27 Sean Thomson (godsofeden) 14,495 0.8 % $7,972.25
28 Amanda Asquith (ajstarr) 14,080 0.8 % $7,744.00
29 David James Nielsen - Composer (davidj) 13,965 0.8 % $7,680.75
30 Nathan Macdonald (fatboy) 11,695 0.6 % $6,432.25
31 Davin Eastley - Mathematician - Finance and Philosophy Graduate - Writer (davin) 11,415 0.6 % $6,278.25
32 Selina Kucks a.k.a. Sketa (selina) 11,380 0.6 % $6,259.00
33 Philip Feinstein (philip) 10,750 0.6 % $5,912.50
34 Mardi Edge - Actor (mardi) 9,940 0.6 % $5,467.00
35 Leo Lawrence (leo) 9,505 0.5 % $5,227.75
36 Benjamin James - Actor (benjaminj) 9,050 0.5 % $4,977.50
37 Jasmine Moton (jasminemoton@yahoo.com) 8,620 0.5 % $4,741.00
38 Shane Rodrigo (steviepunch) 8,525 0.5 % $4,688.75
39 Andrew Nemeth (emzy) 8,265 0.5 % $4,545.75
40 Chase Victoria - Actor / Songwriter (chase) 7,740 0.4 % $4,257.00
41 Felino Dolloso (agila) 7,280 0.4 % $4,004.00
42 Tanya Braunovic - Actor (tanya) 7,210 0.4 % $3,965.50
43 Natascha Szabo - Actor (natascha) 7,045 0.4 % $3,874.75
44 Alex Soliven (Alexdarkfire) 6,945 0.4 % $3,819.75
45 Mike W. Rogers - Screenwriter - Ancient cultures consultant (mikew) 6,540 0.4 % $3,597.00
46 Michele-Antonio Mattiuzzi - Actor / Producer (michele) 5,625 0.3 % $3,093.75
47 Adam Coutts - Video Rocks The Radio Star (adamc) 5,395 0.3 % $2,967.25
48 Christian Stamm (sunwarrior) 5,310 0.3 % $2,920.50
49 Sarah Whereat (sarahwhereat) 5,020 0.3 % $2,761.00

Craig Delahoy

The mind behind the Leaderboard

Craig Delahoy doesn’t like to make a fuss but without him we could never have got the Leaderboard up. This is his code and we are very thankful to him.

Thanks so much to Craig and by the way, he will be commercialising the Leaderboard for WordPress and Buddypress sites. Interested? Click through his profile to friend-up and find out more. 




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