Storyboard artist, Brendan Tolley created a series of boards to explore Sentient’s opening trailer.
The work is a first draft, reference point, by which the team can discuss the best way forward to execute the work. Share the love. Select the blue, ‘Award me points’ on Brendan’s profile to show your appreciation.
- A meteor storm streams past.
- and hurtles towards earth.
- The storm hits the atmosphere creating ripples. We descend through one of the ripples to earth.
- The dull thud of a dance beat becomes louder.
- Dance music fills the air. Meteors pop and burst above the harbour.
- Red snow begins to fall from the sky.
- The CROWD looks up in awe.
- A PARTY-GOER lifts-up an open palm to capture it.
- SAM, a young woman peers out through the foyer glass to view the storm.
- The lights and music abruptly quit.
- Flickering emergency lights partially illuminate the room. Outside remains pitch-black and eerily quiet.
- Sam’s wonderment becomes disquiet. She draws closer to the window, peering into the dark outside twisting her head, straining to see, closer and closer until, from outside…
- A screaming PERSON runs headlong into the foyer glass. BAM! The PERSON bounces off.
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This entry was posted on Sunday, May 3rd, 2015 at 4:59 pm
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Tags: Brendan Tolley, David Steinhoff, development, Presence Global Entertainment, sci-fi, Sentient, storyboards, tv series
Posted in: Artwork, Day one scripts, dog, Help, Sentient, Trailer, Uncategorized
David Nerlich recently pinned some VISUAL REF material to our PINTEREST board that hones our choices for how we represent this.
1. This GIF shows a dappled view or obscured view of a comet traveling through a night sky, forest and past a house. DN tells me it is from BIRDMAN
2. A still but in theory a moving shot
3, When you break it up as in this shot it loses it visual potency
We had thought in terms of many meteors OR RATHER BOLIDES (meteors that explode in the atmosphere). We may be better off delivering one STREAM or ONE DELIVERY that creates a SPORE STORM, across the entire atmosphere when it impacts. If this is the case, then the event would not be expected and there would be no party rather a surprise, at first a pleasant surprise of a stunning lightshow, silent perhaps, tha electrifies the sky, then the falling red spores then LIGHTS OUT and panic.
Hi Everyone,
I’m Karl Jenner of Digital Relam. I’ve been working with David over the past few months. He has asked me to direct and shoot this short trailer for Sentient.
Great work on the Story Board! I like the shot with the cocktail glass, as it will look like blood in the glass! That will be a great one to shoot.
We just need to work on the hotel lobby scene. I have some ideas to make this scene work, as it is critical that we get this right. It sets up the Sentient threat.
Great work everyone!
Thanks Karl and Janet,
I will create an attachments post to link in to the trailer shortly.
The hotel lobby and the look-down, plus we are waiting on stock footage contacts and Pawel in Poland’s particle effect for arrival of the storm in the atmosphere.
Janet Shay identified the need for THREE compelling exit images set in between the end supers.
1. They should show more of the event
2. Preview the world to come
3. Hint at the terrifying outcome when the SENTIENT turn against us
*Number three maybe as simple as an EYES fade up out of the DARK.
David Nerlich created a shot to take the place of EXT: SYDNEY. CIRCULAR QUAY – NIGHT.
It’s a look down that views the red snow falling effect.
We’ve posted it to the trailer page or you can view it large on our Vimeo channel.
Trailer page
Nice boards. I think there could be another shot or two clarifying what happens when the meteors hit the atmosphere and break up. This needs to be clear as what we’d expect seeing them approach is a cataclysmic impact. Either that or be clear that they are small like shooting stars.
Also i thought the idea was that the big party was celebrating the meteor shower show but this gives the more impression the meteors arrived unexpectedly while a party was underway. Not immediately sure what to suggest about that.
Agreed. The failure lay in the lack of brief from me to Brendan. I wrote in a ripple effect. Brendan was concerned it may translate to a weak FX shot. I then suggested that we see the arrival of the meteor stream in the distance, similar to John Carpenter’s ‘The Thing’ arrival of the out of control spacecraft. A stream of them, creating ripples in the atmosphere and passing through that to the party below, so I think it can be defined until we get it right.
Thanks for having your say. I’m glad the great minds think alike. ;o)
Wow! Love it, I’m thinking of having a son’s or daughter’s African diplomat in there having a same experience with the others people there, but with different reaction due to his/her cultural background!
If ever I’m free from my job and work here I will. But no promise yet, too busy in here.
I like that Ahmed. ;o)
What if those three parts are split into 3 teasers? Then 3 separate teams can work on it in smaller, more manageable chunks even in different locations.
By the three parts, do you refer to the drone look-down, sweeping shot, of an empty city?
If we can narrow the look-down field of view then any sky-scrapers would do, because cement and road looks pretty much the same everywhere.
And yes, I was thinking of you when I mentioned that in our message.